Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's Your Thang...Do Whatcha Wanna Do

Finding out what your "thang" is sounds much easier than it is. Sometimes what we identify as ours is left over from our childhood and no longer applies. Often times we take on others' thang such as a parent or aunt or ex-boyfriend, and hang onto it for sentimental reasons.Or maybe even just mental reasons...I didn't really love collecting spoons but my mother gave me one or two, as did my aunt and my boyfriend's grandma. Next thing you know, I apparently love spoons. Do I still own them? Nope. But they did come in handy in a real pinch for my future roommate who needed them to put her contacts in overnight. I'm not 100% sure they weren't used as some sort of drug paraphernalia at one time either. Sorry, mom.

My first year living on my own was a "thang" free for all. I suddenly was collecting "Gone with the Wind" plates, posters and figurines. I missed out on "Madeleine" so now wanted every doll, cereal bowl every made. Was I revisiting my childhood? On some level, yes. I discovered I loved the simple music and message of Stompin Tom Connors who of course, had a connection to my childhood as well. Suddenly, I was his biggest fan. I had Tom birthday parties, a handmade Tom t-shirt, attended Tom concerts...another collection from Firestone Road, my family home.

The first apartment I shared with a man was all about collecting mid century furniture. We scoured flea markets, auctions and antique stores. We amassed gorgeous pieces, though they were without any real pedigree. They were pretty. I loved my playing in my pretty house. But, I grew up and grew apart and moved on to a new phase in my life.

And that my friends, is why our "thang" changes. We move on and what we love, are passionate about or find fascinating changes too. Think about it. Ever had a hobby that sort of burns out with time? You know, you've taken up knitting with the intent of making everyone you know a beanie cap, a pair of slippers or a tea cosy? Two caps in and you start to think of other things to do while watching tv or convince yourself there's nothing good on at all. That's fairly normal.

But there's a difference between a hobby and a passion. Hobbies can be left alone for weeks on end. Passions may not always be acted upon, but the fire never stops burning. I've had a few hobbies in my time. Salsa dancing, swing dancing. Today, it's zumba. But my passion for politics and change has never burned out. I've volunteered for some candidates, cursed others...I read political columns on a regular basis. My need to do something to contribute to change is always burning in the background.

Since moving to NOLA I've decided that I can work to make change by allowing others to speak their mind and share their ideas on how to make the city better. I created a discussion forum for New Orleanians to talk about their passions. So far, it's been a positive experience but I'm ready to kick it up a notch. I want more speakers, more forums, more discussions.

So, here's a shameless plug. If you have something you are burning about or something burns your ass, think about sharing that with a wider audience of other passionate persons. Sign up for a Point 8 NOLA forum. Contact me and we'll put it together. But, if it has anything to do with little spoons from Little Rock or Spokane, count me out.