Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Long time, no see

Yeah. Another year or so has passed since I last posted here. Where does the time go? I'm kidding. I know where it went. Work, family, grad school, dancing, friends...how did I manage to do this again? I think blogging is like working out. Once you get off the treadmill, it's hard to get back on. Now that I'm temporarily unemployed and just working on my Masters, I plan to devote more time to personal expression. I want to paint (don't worry; walls, not canvas), write, organize cupboards and baskets, plant flowers, read great masterpieces and nest. Taking the time to create is so important for many reasons, beyond the obvious. It's time for me to refuel and cliche as it sounds, fill the void I feel inside. This summer has been beyond eventful. Our family traveled to PEI and reconnected with friends and family there. We spent some time (and cash. Ouch.) on our summer cottage and fell in love with it all over again. It wasn't quite enough time there to quench my thirst for the simplicity and sweetness of the island, but it was a taste. That taste is a huge motivator to go back again next year and experience more. Returning home should have made room for review, reflection and rejuvenation. But, me being me, I invited the world to come visit and visit they did. Don't get me wrong; I LOVE having friends come stay with us. But, nearly four weeks in a row was too much. It put a strain on my relationships and I didn't realize it until it was almost over. Next time I will learn to stagger them so as to give our family some breathing room. Adding to that strain is the stress of unemployment. Letting go of the guilt/shame of not working has been an enormous struggle. My devoted and darling husband has given me permission to "take a break" and do some nesting. It's my own stuff that keeps getting in the way. Some of it is pride. Much of it is simple awkwardness/discomfort of being dependent on someone else. Letting go is a work in progress. The bright side of having more time to write is the unburdening that results in expressing myself. A blog, much like a journal, is a place for honesty. Saying painful/hurtful/joyous things out loud is liberating and terrifying. And, absolutely necessary in my case. Here's to more time spent working on my Full Circle.