Monday, July 16, 2012

Find Your Joy! This year I've decided it's time for me to dedicate some time to myself in pursuit of things that bring me joy. Be it they might be considered silly, weird, nerdy and downright uncool by some (mainly, my children)I have jumped in full force and am embracing joy. It's good for the soul, the psyche, the mind, the body and sometimes the skin too. Though it's not as recent as just this year, my participation in my book club has ramped up. I love nothing more than getting together with a group of smart, witty, wild women to drink wine, swap war stories, battle scars and yes, even talk about books. These discussions bring me great joy, in a way that community can. I don't see them but once a month, other than the occasional running into one another at the grocery or the local coffee shop. I've hosted the book club, recommended reading materials and gone to almost every one the meetings. Like most women, I love to have someone rub, scrape, massage and paint my toes. Regular trips to the nail salon are a must. An hour or two alone with a bunch of cheesy magazines that I love reading but can never bring myself to buy in public, is also part of what gives me joy. Great joy. Hair appointments, waxing appointments (yes, in some weird way they too are part of the joy equation) also contribute to joy. Good grooming really can bring joy. If you don't believe me, try it. Meow. Committing myself to working out and attending fitness classes doesn't really bring me joy when I'm actually working out, but afterwards I feel joy. Doing something healthy that nets some noticeable results is joyful. It is. My greatest joy this year, however, involves lots of sequence, a red wig and disco music. Recently I joined a dance group called The Disco Amigos. Though the thought of their mother dancing in public makes my family cringe, it is something my kids are learning to accept; my friends don't necessarily want to join me, but they get it. Dancing with others who aren't afraid to admit they love disco is joyful in itself. Dancing is something that has always given me joy. I'm having a wonderful, joyful life. Go ahead and find your joy. Life is so much better when you do.