Monday, September 9, 2013

Bored Housewife

Monday morning, 10:20 a.m. and I can't figure out what to do. Seriously. So far, I have made lunches, taken kids to car pool, swept and mopped four rooms, cleaned the bathroom, filled out my unemployment forms, applied for a new job, had a coffee with my neighbor and ran a couple of loads of laundry. I'll say one thing about being unemployed - my house is in order! I'm seriously considering starting a monumental painting job today. Anything to keep me occupied. It's going on month two of unemployment, which may be (except for when I was home with a new baby or period of time between moving cities) the longest spell I've ever gone without a job. I've been working since I could up sell french fries at McDonald's at the age of 14. The idea of not having a job to go to is so strange and I'm still struggling to be okay with it. In the past few weeks, I have developed a serious left eye twitch and I blame my employment status. Friends and acquaintances keep telling me to enjoy myself. My husband tells me he likes having me around. The dog seems happier with a larger pack around in the daytime. I really wish I could relax but it's hard. I know, mini violins are playing for me. The thing is, it’s not about the title or the job per say that gives me satisfaction. It's the idea of contributing to the household, of paying my way and my share that fuels my desire to work. Having the freedom and/or luxury to buy a really nice lunch or a pair of shoes on eBay are just two of the simple things in life that excite me. I don't have any burning desire to six figures, although I wouldn't turn down such a salary either! I just want to get paid a fair salary for a job well done. Crazy, idea, huh?