Thursday, January 12, 2012

No Time Like the Present

Every year I make the same boring, lame-ass resolutions to lose weight, be nicer to my kids, curb my road rage and expand my vocabulary that most of us do. Though all of these endeavors would make me a nicer, calmer person, truth is they are flaws that are most likely never going to be fixed. Yes, not cussing in the car with my kids would make me a better parent. Losing weight would boost my self-confidence. Learning new ways to describe things would be very pleasing. But really, "Meh" is what I think of these. And so, I don't ever lose any sleep over the fact that I haven't kept them longer than a couple of days.

However, there is one resolution that came to me via epiphany. I think I may have actually heard some angels singing "ahhhh" when I decided to embrace it; I am going to do whatever task pops into my brain at that present time. How does it work? I remember (while brushing my teeth, one of the most mundane tasks possible) that I need to take a certain paper to work. With toothbrush clenched between my teeth, I walk over to the desk, pick up the paper and put it in my work bag. Right then and there. Here goes another one - I'm working on a document for tomorrow's meeting at work and suddenly it dawns on me that I forgot to send photos to a co-worker. I minimize my document, open outlook, create a new email, attach said photos and hit send. Boom. Mission accomplished.

Some people would say that this particular method is for those with ADD; or maybe it won't allow you to get anything done at all. I'm here to say "Can I get a witness?" I get shit done. More shit. Yes, it's a bit helter skelter, frazzled and lacking in any real rhythm. Know what? I don't care. I get shit done.

I have remembered to send letters, post mail, keep up on reports and keep my life fairly organized. I'm doing less planning and more spontaneous acting. On my day off this week I got groceries, a pedicure, posted a letter, walked the dog, paid a bill and did two loads of laundry before lunch. I just went with the task at hand. I was going to the grocery and thought "My toes are disgusting. I'm going to see if the nail salon is open." I made a quick detour and voila, it worked. I still got home at my set designated time AND I threw in a pedicure. I just had to hustle a little at the grocery store.

Today it's January 19 and I've kept my resolution. That's got to be a record on its own. I love my resolution and I plan on keeping it for a while. Or at least until January 2013.

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